by Jon Boyd | Jan 31, 2016 | Buyer Agency, Home Buying, Home Ownership, Mortgages
It is funny how much we depend on technology in the Ann Arbor real estate business these days. About an hour ago I started having problems with our MLXchange system. (That is the database of property used by the Ann Arbor Area Board of REALTORS.) Today the MLXchange... by Jon Boyd | Jan 31, 2016 | Appraisals, Buyer Agency, Home Buying, Home Inspection, Home Ownership, Mortgages, Seasonal, Tech, Ventilation, Windows
It is funny what you learn and when you learn it in the real estate business. As an exclusive buyer agent, I’ve been in thousands of homes with new or updated windows. In fact, window discussions are very common for us because it does have a significant impact on the... by Jon Boyd | Jan 30, 2016 | Buyer Agency, Home Buying, Home Ownership, Moving
As time goes by a lot of good information can get lost on the internet. This is a press release from NAEBA in August of 2004 that covers the intentional effort of many state REALTOR associations (Including ours here in Michigan) to confuse and mislead buyers about... by Jon Boyd | Dec 31, 2015 | Buyer Agency, Home Buying, Home Inspection, Home Ownership, Mortgages
A lot of real estate agents in our markets these days say they are buyer’s agents. (Most are actually designated buyer agents but that is a different issue.) However, in our experience few agents will actually help a buyer negotiate anything other than the purchase...
by Jon Boyd | Nov 30, 2015 | Electrical, Generators, Home Buying, Home Inspection, Home Ownership, Seasonal, Solar Energy, Tech
This is from a press release last month: Select Solar And Generator, a Michigan solar panel installer, has signed a contract to design, install, and commission a solar roof for Jon Boyd, a local home buyer’s broker and nationally recognized home buying expert. The... by Jon Boyd | Oct 30, 2015 | Buyer Agency, Home Buying, Home Inspection, Home Ownership, Mortgages, Moving
This question comes up often. I’ve never found a consumer who understood it and the vast majority of real estate agents and brokers I’ve spoken to don’t really understand it either. After years of teaching it in homebuyer classes, I’ve found that diagrams make it much...