I’ve posted before about the concern with poison drywall from China. It is a big problem in Florida and a number of other states.

You can find more legal information about the Chinese drywall here.

And it looks like there have not been problems reported to date in Michigan.

This is very good. Some people are predicting this will be the largest liability issue to hit the country ever.

If you hear of it becoming a problem in Michigan please let us know and send us a link so we can share it here.

If you are looking to buy a home and you want a real estate company that will always be on your side, in your corner, and looking out for you, call us.


Jon Boyd Broker/Manager
The Home Buyer’s Agent of Ann Arbor, Inc.
1908 W. Stadium Blvd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48103

We serve the Ann Arbor – Brighton – Plymouth – Novi – Canton – Ypsilanti areas in Southeastern Michigan.

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